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My Reflection About Kangguru


My Reflection about Kangguru

One of memory that always remember in my mind up to now, it is my great adventure to Bali for firstly for attending 10th anniversary KGI and for a night at the hotel and joint at the BBQ party. Where at that event I met many professional persons in English, and I have chance for speak up and asking signature to them as my report for my journey. You know that event felt like a dream for me, its happen so suddenly. I never think before, that I can meet with KGI staff. That’s really special thing for me and it will be never unforgettable experience.

Then ones memory that really special for me it when KGI team visited my school, for English Camp activity of my club and celebrating 20th years of Kangguru or final clubs get together. Which one, in this activity visited by some clubs from our town they are Charming Learners club, Raka English club, Galaxy club,and one from Jember called Get me English community. Wow, we are really happy face to face and make a chat with them.

The last, I would like to say big thanks to Kangguru, ‘coz your existence was motivating me to learning English more and more. And also gave me an inspiration to learning something that I consider so important and useful. You were connecting me with somebody from far away by your website forums, I was happy ‘coz there were people who sending me emails they said that know me from kangguru forum. Thanks too, was posting my graphic on the KGI website. My teacher Ms Dyah said that it a nice picture. I think Kangguru is my spirit and the best teacher who ever I am known. I love all your materials.

Written By:
Fragrant Water English Club#094

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