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Vocabulary - 'Ouch' Words


Photo: We did so well with the words for cuts and scratches, I thought I might challenge you with words that cause these.

How do we say these in English?  Please share.

1. tergelincir
2. tersandung
3. terjatuh
4. terbanting
5. terbentur
Good morning FBers. We have been asked to show the use of the 'ouch' words in sentences.

1. tergelincir - to slip
It was very icy on the path, I slipped on the ice as I was walking home.

2. tersandung - to trip / to trip over
I was running down the corridor when I tripped over a ball that had been left there.

3. terjatuh - to fall
John was climbing a tree when he lost his grip and fell to the ground.

4. terbanting - to be banged up
I was banged up after because of the motor bike accident.

5. terbentur - to collide with
My car collided with a tree last night.

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